
Thinking back to the early guitaring days,the felling we had about guitar and music is more like a romantic relationship,very new and very much exited about the prospect of becoming great musicians.and the difficult part is maintaining that PASSION and DESIRE over a period of time.main drawbacks being -late beginers,and some important decisions to make regarding our career.
but the passion remains the same and we are happy that soon we r going to release our debut album-("Cheppave jaabili").
As far as guitar is concernerd we r inspired by a track by the eagles.every time we hear that song we feel like picking up the guitar and create our own music.
other influences are beatles,pink flyod,Eagles,Scorpions,Guns n' Roses,Cliff richard,The carpenters,Bryan adams,demis roussos,Queen,Elvis presley,Rolling stones...and many more....
carry on with that zeal nd passion and one day ur dream would come true and success would be yours......
Don't quit when the tide is lowest
For it's just about to turn.
Don't quit your doubts and questions,
For there's something you may learn.
Don't quit when the night is darkest.
For it's just a while until dawn.
Don't quit when you've run the farthest,
For the race is almost won.
Don't quit when the hill is steepest.
For your goal is almost nigh.
Don't quit, for you're not a failure
Until you fail to try
Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crumpled, and ground into the dirt by the decisions we make and the circumstances that come our way. We feel as though we are worthless. But no matter what has happened or what will happen, you will never lose your value in the eyes of those who love you. one day u will definitely succeed..go ahead
Thank u friends.....
When I look in to your words I see your soul.
No other feeling makes me feel so whole.
I want to be with you forever.
Hand in hand, we'll be together in every endeavor.
I never knew love could be so strong and so sweet,
or that I could feel so complete.
Thanks for making me fall truly, madly, and deeply in love with you.
From the depths of my heart I know our love's trueand will stand forever and ever ......
My true love is as cuddly as a teddy bear,
and so precious that I won't share
My true love is one of a kind that it is only mine,
and I thank God that my true love is mine forever and ever
For your love,
I'll give you my heart and soul.
You are so loving to me.
A prettier face there couldn't be.
As innocent as a rose
but yet I know
You're knowledgeable in every way.
And if I need you, I know you'll stay.
You're beautiful inside and out.
You're exquisite, without a doubt
Thats the reason I LOVE YOU SO MUCH and I NEED YOU in every sphere of my life......
Hii my lol.. thank u so much.. see the below link..
Nice site mama, bhaga develope cheyyi..iam eagerly waiting for ur music album....
if u have any samples of ur album songs plz send me... urs frd..(guess)
never giv up ur aim not, not with out a fight
am missing u so muchhhhhhhh
in my hour of darkness she is standing right in front of me....spekin words of wisdom.....
hey rock guys come to my home n enjoi.......
hi guys this is rockguy shaan,this site is very good wish u success in ur musical carear
My dear Chakri, i am very glad to hear from you and also to find on your blog, that everything has kicked off for a quick release of your album. i will be one of the fans for you, and will enjoy your success along with you. you can put me in your links, and can inform if there are any success stories of you.
Hey jude don't make it bad..
take a sad song and make it better...
remember to let her into ur heart..
then u can start to make it better..
Urs rocky..
Dead man.....
Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away...
Now it looks as though they're here to say..
oh, i believe in yesterday.. ;)
Hii shanker... how r u?? mumbai eppudu velthunnav? thanx for sending mess.. keep rocking..urs chakri
Hii vimal mama, thank u so much...
Hiiiiiiii ashok... thank u so much for ur wishes..definitely we r going to rock our debut album 'cheppave jaabili'...i'll send u samples of our songs soon..take care.. keep in touch. bye bye :)
those were the best daya of my life
Couple of years ago, i travelled a thousand kilometers juss to watch BRAYN ADAMS perform live in concert.i was very happy then.couple of days earlier i travelled the same thousand kilometers back to watch my friends play the music i luv the most. i was more happy than two years earlier.thank you ROCK GUYS,fro the music.don ever stop playin it.
hey the pic is cool..and its gr88
i wish ya all the best
rockguys r not playin rock music,but you guys still rock.
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